Tuesday, March 30, 2010

How to Apply to a SUNY Study Abroad Program

So yet again I should be doing homework this fine spring break, but I like making videos & blogging better! xP

This video and subsequent blog post is about how to apply to the study abroad program, specifically Kansai Gaidai, in the SUNY system. Enjoy

As promised in the video, I'll give a little more information that I neglected.

PS. For those of you who are not a SUNY student, FRET NOT! A lot of this information can be applied to you, just get the specific details from your advisor. OR TRANSFER. I don't see a point in letting a school keep you from getting from point A to point B. Also, this type of stuff looks BOMB on apps. :)

Steps for Application

1) You want to have a solid idea of what you want to study, where you want to go, and when you want to be there. That way when you're given all of these options you have a little bit of direction. If you can't decide on some things, go to the study abroad fairs at school, or talk to an advisor. Just get out there and educate yourself!

2) Search in the SUNY system and pay CLOSE ATTENTION to what courses they offer, the time of study, price, LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS, etc. What i neglected to show in the video is the actual arduous task of reading the FULL DESCRIPTION of the programs, but it's very necessary. Luckily, I went to my study abroad advisor and she found Kansai Gaidai for me and they have amazing psychology classes IN ENGLISH (or at least they claim to) and I was sold.

3) APPLY APPLY APPLY. Don't be afraid of the rejection. Envision yourself in a new country, you may never get this experience again. YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN HAVE TO PAY. Just get it over with and forget about it.

4) That brings me to my fourth point SCHOLARSHIPS ARE EVERYWHERE. Your advisor should show you some... there are some sweet ones for non-traditional places (i.e. Japan, Nigeria, Turkey, etc). And some, maybe, specifically for your country! I know there's one for Japan. APPLY FOR THOSE TOO!

5) Be punctual (to your ability). Have confidence. Envision it. Do your best. Achieve your dreams!

I hope you enjoyed the second post. More to come. Any ideas? :)

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