Saturday, October 9, 2010
Osaka Pride!
A girl we spotted in the subway. :)
Hey yall! I'm back!
I realize I've been constantly putting my blog off. ごめん!I actually could not think of a direction for my blog. I don't want to just ramble on about my life. I want something informative. And even though Jade thinks that it doesn't think it makes sense because of the title of my blog. HOWEVER, I want this to be thought of loosely as GAY GIRLS GUIDE TO JAPAN.
But I digress...
I just got home from the WETTEST pride parade, and the FIRST I've ever walked in. レインボーパレードいきました!すごいでしたよ! とてもたのしい!!:) It rained on us boohoo. But it doesn't matter we were still proud through the drops!
So, because it was raining instead of going slutty, I dressed down and tried to butch it up a bit. ;)
It was SO RAINY. It was such a crappy day that we lost some members!!! (obviously they weren't dedicated gays. ONCE IN A LIFETIME EXPERIENCE AND YOU MISSED IT BECAUSE OF RAIN? coughcoughbrandoncoughcough) Anna and I walked ALL THE WAY TO THE STATION IN THE RAIN. Her in flip flops! It was a bad idea. :( But when we got to the station, once I was ready to buy my ticket I REALIZED I FORGOT MY WALLET! But Anna was sweet about it and spotted me money (I'm going to give it back to you very soon love!)
So we went on the train HOPING that it wouldn't be raining in Osaka.
It was.
But we were げんき none the less!
(Corey is a hot ass tamale. Photo Cred: Jade)
So we get there and the crowd is pretty scarce, but we were like two hours early. By the time we were ACTUALLY supposed to be there it was a really nice sized group そしてたくさんレズビアン!I didn't think there were going to be that many girls showing up, but I was wrong! ^^
(I took pictures of cute couples! ^^)
かわいいですね。 (I had more, I don't know where it went!!! :'( )
Before we started walking we saw these men cosplaying pokemon, but in a Rainbow Parade kina way! ;)
They were dedicated!!! They were filled with pride! :)
First we formed like a few lines and started walking... It was terrible through the rain, but we were PROUD THE WHOLE WAY. At first it was kind of boring, but when we fell back to the DJ float we danced the two hours away! :)
I had a blast. We made friends! I befriended beautiful ladies.
From left to right: Chris, Adeline, Mayu(?), and Olga! (Adeline was the only straight girl! :P Photo Cred: Olga)
After wards we went for Ramen in しんしゃいばし because we were all hungry. きれいなまちでした!and little Miss Adeline couldn't hang. She was drunk (at 5:30pm no less!) And had to go home! :(
Eventually we all went home though. It was super おもしろい.
Yeah so that's it! It was great. We danced we loved. We're actually going to Lady killer tomorrow (with our new friends!! :) ). It is the last party of lady killer, and our first! So we're trying to have a good time. my next post will be on going to Explosion... and then after that I'll talk about how it was when we went to Lady Killer.